Look for the root causes of a ‘disease’ not a diagnosis

Our body it not a machine

I grew up in an Australian farming family.  My Grandpa was born in 1897. I remember him saying “if a man made it, we can fix it”. Ingenuity, innovation and skill were required to survive on isolated farms many, many miles from town on rough and often impassable roads in early 20th century Australia.

But man didn’t design or make our human body. Nor is it a machine with individual, removable parts that can be easily  replaced like parts of a car or other machines.

Modern western medicine seems to treat our body as many individually functioning parts: cells, tissues , organs and systems.

This ignores our incredible synergy. Our body is far, far greater than the sum of its parts.  The western medical model also ignores the often unknown effects of treating or removing single tissues and organs.  Plus the magnified ripple effect of such treatments.  Once again I feel duped by my  previously naive professional trust especially in  published “scientific evidence-based medicine”.

Myth of Diagnosis

Dr Mark Hyman, describes ‘The of Myth of Diagnosis’ as the biggest obstacle to changing the way we find answers to health problems. The medical naming and blaming game works to find the ‘disease’ then match the drug to the ‘disease’.  However, this does not look for or treat the root cause of the ‘disease’.  It only treats symptoms and then the ongoing often debilitating side effects the drug treatments.

Different causes for same disease

One disease can have many, many different causes, ALL of which manifest as the same symptoms.  A good example is ‘depression’.  Depression can be the result of multiple causes such as folate, B6 or B12 deficiency, low thyroid function, auto-immune response to gluten which inflames the brain, mercury poisoning, blood sugar imbalances, low testosterone or other sex hormones, deficiency of Omega-3 fats, excessive stress and other factors.

These issues are not resolved with a prescription for anti-depressants.  Small wonder that exercise has been proven more effective than drugs for depression.

Same cause for different diseases

One cause may also result in many different diseases.  Gluten is a prime example.  Gluten is the general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley and triticale. Gluten helps food maintain shape, it acts as a glue that holds food together.

My grandpa taught me to make a kite with brown paper, sticks and glue made from flour and water. Bit of a clue there!

You don’t have to have full-blown celiac disease to have serious health problems and complications from eating gluten.  30,000 patients were studied from 1969 to 2008.  An extraordinary number of patients over 39 years and reported in the reputable Journal of the American Medical Association.

 The Journal reported that 99 % of people who have problems eating gluten don’t even know. They attributed ill health or symptoms to something else.

 The New England Journal of Medicine reported gluten sensitivity can cause 55 diseases including osteoporosis, irritable bowel disease, inflammatory bowel disease, anaemia, cancer, fatigue, canker sores, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis and almost all other autoimmune diseases.  It has now been cited as causing over 130.

Gluten is also linked to many psychiatric and neurological diseases, including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, dementia, migraines, epilepsy, neuropathy or nerve damage and has also been linked to autism.

 Gluten sensitivity is actually an autoimmune disease that creates inflammation throughout the body.

In his 2013 book Grain Brain, Dr David Perlmutter exposes a finding that has been buried in medical history for far too long: carbs can destroy your brain.  Even so-called healthy carbs like whole grains can cause dementia, ADHD, epilepsy, anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, decreased libido, and much more.  Dr Perlmutter is uniquely qualified to make such claims. He is a neurologist, a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and internationally recognised for his work alerting the world of the above.

So, Dr Hyman’s claim is supported by multiple studies in highly respectable medical journals as well as international conferences such as the Gluten Summit in 2013.  Have you heard or read this in main stream media?????  Ask yourself why?

The above explains why simple changes in what you eat can make a huge difference in your life; despite what the mass media or “my doctor” says.

It also supports each of the three pivotal changes that turned my health around after stage 4 colon cancer and liver secondaries in 2008:

  1. Improve Nutrition
  2. Remove toxins
  3. Balance energy

Check  it out

I have written a free e-book to help you identify some of the things which perhaps effect your health. A easy simple detox program helps to consider whether you want to remove things that are known to cause problems in homes and food.

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Water Heals

Water Heals

“Water heals!

Perhaps you are sick because you are dehydrated!

“There is no system or function of the body not pegged to the flow of water.” said Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidji.  This Iranian physician successfully treated thousands of fellow political prisoners with water -the only medication available to him when he was with them in jail .

In his book Health Wars, Phillip Day lists 46 reasons why your body needs water every day: from digestion and transport of nutrition to removal of toxins, maintenance of DNA plus transport of information via the body’s neurotransmitters and electrical systems.

Research supports the use of high-quality filtered water and naturally mineralised Himalayan, sea or Celtic salt.  These salts enable water to properly hydrate the body and enhance cellular function.

To help my body heal from cancer, surgery and chemotherapy, I learnt to drink at least 2 litres of high-quality filtered water every day. I also started to use about 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon of the  special natural mineralised salt every day.  I had not cooked with or added salt to my meals in over 30 years.

Gradually, I noticed a huge difference.

Many studies show big improvements for dementia, arthritis and many other long term conditions when water and natural salt are increased.

NOT table salt, it certainly is dangerous. Most commercial table salt is processed to produce NaCl. It’s probably been treated to very high temperatures and does not contain the natural minerals found in the unprocessed salts.

Extras you don’t want

Chlorine is put into water to kill bacteria to ensure safety as it is pumped and piped to your home.

Chlorine is not beneficial for the healthy balance of bacteria within your gut. We now know this balance is necessary for digestion, production of vitamins and mental health.

Medical journals now recognise fluoride as a neurotoxin.

Medications including hormones are found where the water supply is recycled.

Bacteria, parasites and heavy metals can also be found in water.

Many years ago I was horrified to read a report that many water tanks in Australia do not meet  standards expected in third world countries.

If you have a personal water supply such as a tank filled from your roof, raw river water or underground water such as well or bore water, please consider filtering this supply.

Unfortunately, I know several people who became very sick for years. It was eventually traced to bacteria, parasites and or heavy metals in their water.  The leaves of some trees have been reported as polluting tank water with toxic traces of minerals.

Dust, tread particles from vehicle tyres, bird droppings and industrial pollution all settle on your roof.  This is washed into your tank each time it rains. Chemicals can travel many, many kilometres in thermal currents.

A good filter jug or system will remove 99.9% of fluoride, chlorine, bacteria and heavy metals. A good filter will also make alkaline, energised, magnetised and mineralised water. It should also be cost effective, simple and easy to use.


If you already have a jug or other filter system, please check WHAT it actually removes, the percentage and how.

Independent laboratory tests show that some readily available filter jugs/systems actually put more heavy metals including aluminium back into your “filtered water”.

You can find All the Products and More Technical Stuff   here.


I use the Ace Bio jug every day in my home and in our caravan.







The BMP Waterman 600ml flask gets carted everywhere so I can filter water as I need it.   Much better than carrying heavy water or buying unsafe plastic  bottles of water.

                                          There are also bench top models available.

We’ve used a  shower filter for so long I had forgotten about the horrible smell of chlorine, bad hair days and the feel of dry itchy skin when you don’t. Several weeks of travelling in the caravan prompted a shower filter to be installed there also.

Vitamin C, Collagen and a membrane filter remove chlorine, heavy metals (rust) and sediment. The water saving shower head magnetises and creates a negative ion effect many times that of a waterfall.

I LOVE these beautiful aromatherapy filters which use pure essential oils as well as the filter materials. You can choose lavender, lemon or no aromatherapy just wonderful filtered water.

Our pets can teach us a lot.  The entertaining video below shows just how ingenious animals can be to ensure they get adequate water every day.

Take a few minutes out to enjoy a short fun video, click on the link below

Pets know to drink water!







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Is Home Your Safe Refuge?


Your home should be safe for you and your family.

Multiple studies over many decades show this is not true. The late Dr Samuel Epstein stated “our homes are usually the most toxic environment most people will encounter”.

External threats such as industrial, agricultural pollution and motor vehicle exhausts are thought to be the most dangerous threats. Research shows otherwise.

In one study, students followed peak hour traffic in a large industrial city. They had backpacks with instruments to record air quality.  The highest levels of toxins were recorded in their own homes before they took off the backpacks.

Your home is probably polluted with chemicals from cleaning products, air fresheners, perfumes, insect sprays, smoking and cooking. Plus off-gassing from furniture and floor coverings can last decades.

There is good news. We control our own home.

I became aware and changed my home. I now ensure all products are safe. I open windows and doors regularly to let in clean fresh air.  Actually they are open most of the time as I live in the wonderful  north Queensland climate.

Why do we accept Toxic Chemicals in our homes?

Because of advertising.

Many thousands of chemicals have been developed by giant corporations that geared up to make chemical weapons for World War II.  Peace provided both excess supply and capacity to produce.  Alternative products were developed to continue profits.  Thousands of new, efficient “time saving” products entered our homes.

“In the 1930s the world produced 1 million tonnes of chemicals.  Now that figure is almost 500 million tonnes.  A number of the companies who make such chemicals are also involved in producing synthetic vitamins, and synthetic hormones and anti-cancer drugs” (Chris Woollams, MA (Oxon) 2014, in Everything You Need to Know to Help You beat Cancer)

I am a baby boomer and remember my Mum using plain soap and hard work or  “elbow grease” to clean our home.

Initially consumers were concerned about the long-term effects of these new products.

Unfortunately, massive advertising campaigns convinced them to ignore caution.

The first time our home was sprayed for insects in the early 1960s I was amazed and upset. The exterminator saturated all the walls, floors, benches and even inside kitchen food cupboards with foul smelling white liquid that left a visible residue.  I was very upset to find my beautiful ballerina clock badly marked with deep holes. If those chemicals could kill insects AND pit hard thermoplastic, what else did they do?

These new chemical “helpers” were advertised as modern and cost-effective to replace  hard work.  Our mothers and previous generations used basic and mainly natural products to clean while raising healthy families with efficient immune systems.

Baby boomers

We baby boomers were products of this booming post war era, eager to adopt change.  Most of us were comfortable products ‘would not be allowed to be sold if they were not safe for us.’

Most of us were extremely naive and wrong.

These toxic time bombs were developed by industrial chemists usually driven by the highest profit margins possible.

Products work but are not necessarily safe. They either cause harm or at least place an unnecessary load on your body.  I found out the hard way.  See Noela’s Story 

You can find safer products where I buy all my household cleaning and personal care products.

Use this link to receive a $10 credit on your first order.

Might be dangerous. Worth the risk?

 Warnings ignored or maligned

Toxicologists such as Dr Samuel Epstein have insight into short, long term and accumulative effects on the human body either as single chemicals or complex compounds.  Some scientists tried to warn the world in the 1960s.

Unfortunately, they were ignored and often professionally maligned by the almighty profit driven corporations, their media lapdogs, governments, health and education bodies.  Donations and incentives from big chemical corporations or their respected go-betweens fund educational institutions, health councils, associations, consumer organisations and patient support groups. Drug companies provide free dinners and holidays for doctors to obtain their required continuing professional development (CPD) points.

We make it worse

On top of this, many effects are magnified by householders themselves. Several toxic products  mixed together in the mistaken belief that ‘if some works, more is better”.  Strong concoctions such as bleach are accepted as the only hygienic way to clean floors, benches, baths and showers.  Residues continue to effect everyone in the home, especially the youngest.  Skin rashes, allergies and headaches are accepted as uncomfortable norms. These conditions were hardly ever experienced before these chemicals were bought into the home.  Ask great-grandma. Unfortunately many people  do not make the connection between these their symptoms and the products used on their skin or in the house.   I didn’t. My “nursing” hands were very cracked and often bled from the harsh hand washes and disinfectants used many many times every day. After I started safer products my hands and dry skin improved dramatically.

A young mother recently told me that she holds her breath to spray the shower, then runs outside to get fresh air. She accepts this as the only way to clean her shower!!! Add hot water loaded with chlorine and other fumes to the mix. No wonder this unpleasant job includes running eyes, sore hands, burnt throat and long fits of coughing.  The sad thing is, while challenging her lungs, skin and eyes and overall health, the bleach only makes things look clean.  Bleach does NOT kill bacteria or mould which survives to regrow another day. Organisms adapt to become stronger  to cope with the chemical onslaught. Ordinary soap or  mild detergent and friction are the most effective ways to kill bacteria.  Strong anti-bacterial solutions  increase bacterial resistance as they adapt to the latest strong solution on the market.  Great grandmas vinegar, lemon juice, bicarb and scrubbing scientifically works!

 Not tested for safety on humans

Alarming as it seems, most of the chemicals used in everyday products within our homes have never been tested for safety to adults let alone children.

The Consumer Protection Agency (CPA) rather conservatively estimates that over 150 chemicals found in the home are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders.  150 chemicals which could be in multiple products used multiple times per day. Accumulating in the body and or causing acute short term reactions.

Children more at risk

It is now known that our skin is NOT an effective barrier for these man-made chemicals. They accumulate in our body to affect all systems. They even cross the placenta into unborn children. Babies are now born with hundreds of these chemicals in their first bowel motion.

The World Health Organisation and the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) recognise that infants and young children are up to ten times more vulnerable to certain chemicals than adults.  Even those approaching 16 years of age are estimated to be three times more vulnerable than adults.

Formulation matters as well as ingredients

In Australia, legislative protection was drafted when the scientific community believed  “the skin is an impenetrable barrier that protects the body”.  I was taught this as a student nurse in the 1970s.  We now know the skin is one of the most effective ways to deliver drugs, hence patches to stop smoking, relieve pain, prevent angina and deliver oestrogen therapies.

Doubtful products damage the acid mantel of the skin.  This is a very fine, slightly acidic film on the surface of our skin.  Undamaged this acid mantle acts as a barrier to bacteria, viruses and other potential contaminants that might penetrate the skin.

Product particles can be so small they easily pass through the skin and tissue directly into the blood stream and proceed to your heart, brain, gut and other organs. Just like a small pin or needle slips through a tennis racquet.  Some companies ensure product safety with safer ingredients combined with larger molecular size. These larger particles are like a tennis ball which cannot pass through the racquet strings.

Triggers for long term chronic disease

These chemicals put an unnecessary load on your liver, lungs, skin, kidneys and digestive tract.  Your body struggles to protect you from substances it was never designed to combat.  Exposure may cause irritation to skin, eyes, respiratory tract (wheezing, coughing, asthma) and nausea. Children may have learning difficulties  because of interference with blood brain barrier.  Adults may experience compromised thinking or foggy brain.

Many chronic long-term conditions are now recognised as auto-immune diseases associated with imbalance of your microbiome or gut bacteria required for healthy digestion, immunity and sense of mental well-being.

According to evolving science your microbiome is linked to allergies, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s, asthma, arthritis, blood pressure, cancer, Crohn’s Disease, dementia, diabetes, eczema, hay fever, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrom(IBS), multiple sclerosis, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, strokes, wheezing and, of course longevity.

Play it safe.

Small Steps to an Easy Detox  is a free report to gradually reduce the toxic load on your body.

Use this link to find the only products I consider safe for myself and my family. The link provides a $10 credit for your first order.

Share this information with friends.  Use the Share the Love link on site to  receive another $10 credit when your friend orders!

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Clean products. Safe for You, Yours & the World

Before my encounter with stage 4 colon cancer in 2008, I believed “they wouldn’t be able to sell anything if it wasn’t safe”.

I was naive and very wrong.

My story illustrates a long and gradual erosion of my health.  Perhaps it will provide some timely warnings for you.  Check out how I learnt the hard way: Noela’s story

There is no one cause for cancer nor an easy way to get well again.

I made many significant lifestyle changes.

I removed harmful chemicals to help my body get well. Many years later, I am healthy and well.

Remove harmful chemicals to help your body

I changed brands when I realised the extra load most bathroom and household products put on my body. I found a company which I could trust to remove all known harmful ingredients and even potentially harmful ingredients from all my household products. Dangerous ingredients are of concern because they:

  • have been linked to cancer in either animals or humans. Some ingredients in main stream products are often contaminated with carcinogens, or the ingredient readily forms carcinogen nitrosamines when mixed with other ingredients
  • accumulate in organs
  • may irritate skin or eye or cause allergic reactions
  • may cause asthma
  • damage the central nervous system
  • affect the embryo.

Be vigilant

No-one else looks for dangerous chemicals or toxins in the products that you put on your skin. No-one else protects your family’s health.

Did you know that many chemicals in your personal care products enter your blood stream from your skin? These chemicals effect children even more than adults.

Yep, chemicals  known to cause cancer, allergies, skin rashes and asthma as or at least suspected as dangerous could be in your soap, shampoo, deodorant, hand wash and shower gel. Chemicals in toothpaste and mouth wash are readily absorbed by the soft tissues of your mouth. Children suck wash clothes/drink bathwater and little girls are especially vulnerable to the chemicals and colours in bubble bath.

It is hard

Most dangerous ingredients have multiple names. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate has over 100 other names but is still dangerous to your health.  Propylene Glycol over 20 other names.

I do not know all the long confusing names or if they will hurt me. So I will always choose ALL my bathroom products and ALL my household cleaning products from a company that I trust. Their products are safe for me and safe for the environment plus concentrated to ensure economy for my budget and transport.

Yes, there are long chemical names. But their scientists create compounds without ANY controversial ingredients and ensure they will not enter my blood stream. Each product is proven safe for human chemistry.

Does not mean SAFE

Natural and organic

When comparing other brands be aware that the words “Organic” or “Natural” do not necessarily mean safe. One or two natural or organic ingredients entitle the product to be labelled “Organic” or “Natural”.  It may also contain numerous dangerous chemicals or chemicals that when mixed together form dangerous compounds.

It really shook me that “Made from coconut” does not even mean safe.  Apparently, one of the cheapest and nastiest chemicals, sodium lauryl sulphate, can be made from coconut by-products and therefore legitimately claim to be “Made from coconuts”.  See why I choose to avoid the hassle and order online from a company that I have checked out very thoroughly!

Safety and Quality to your home

I took responsibility for my recovery and I encourage you to do the same.

The secret for my recovery wasn’t in healthcare, but in knowledge and consistent self-care.

These are the ONLY products that I have in my home: to put on my skin, my makeup, use on my hair, put in my mouth or use to protect from the sun. The only cleaning products in the kitchen and laundry.

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Take Control. Simple decisions to a healthier future


I took control to save my life 

Take control of your life  

I took control. Today I am alive and well.

This is my story.  The blog and website is to help people take control and get their life back. It can help those with  a chronic conditions (such as diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, bowel diseases and many more) as well as those who are healthy and intend to stay that way

In 2008, I was diagnosed with stage IV bowel cancer.

I chose immediate surgery and the strongest chemotherapy available.  Unfortunately, this was the only option I considered. I was a Registered Nurse, very experienced with surgery and chemotherapy treatments for bowel cancer and a researcher for the State Health Department.

Several months after  surgery, chemotherapy ceased because it made me too sick.  Months later I had liver secondaries removed. So I had cancer in my colon, blood vessels, lymph nodes and my liver!

18 months later, I was much worse and getting sicker and heavier every day.  For the first time in my life I craved processed foods, especially sweets. I’d wake in the middle of the night starving. I refused to weigh myself or have pictures taken.  I was at least 40kgs overweight.

This was NOT working. I did not like HOW I felt or WHAT I saw for my future.

If I wanted to survive I had to change what I was doing,  fast.

I took control and started to walk.  The first day my husband followed in our car. I could only manage 100 meters then collapsed into the waiting car.  It took hours of rest before I could even have a shower.  The next day I made a little bit further. Many weeks later, I comploeted 1 kilometer without an escort. Eventually, I achieved 3 kilometers each way.  Each day I needed a shower as I was soaked in foul smelling sweat.

I started to read alternative health books and looked on the internet. I became more confused and frustrated.  Taking control was challenging.

I was really sick, my brain was foggy and it was extremely hard to sit at a computer and concentrate. Even with a university education in research, I found it too hard to evaluate so much conflicting research. Specific herbs, so many different treatments, one shop cures and just plain ridiculous claims. Everyone tried to help by providing more and more conflicting sites and information. Someone sent me information about toxins in the home and the need for minerals and vitamins. I flicked through and put it away.

I was a nurse who believed we got all our nutrition from a healthy diet plus  “They wouldn’t be able to sell things if they weren’t safe” . So I dismissed those who suggested there were poisons in my home which made it harder for my body to recover.

The more I read, the recurring theme seemed to be to reduce the toxins put on my skin and used around the home. I used washing powder and other products that were safe for the environment.  I later discovered they were not safe for me!

Months later I meet the wonderful lady who sent that information about toxins and by then I was ready to listen! She introduced me to a company that avoids over 3,600 questionable chemicals.  Check it our for yourself at  https://themullers.shiftingretail.com.au/ or  contact me for information about other countries

Through this company, I’ve meet an incredible world-wide network of professionals, been to national and international conferences, discovered the scientific information I needed plus easy to read books and websites to back it all up. My job had been to investigate scientific research and evaluate to develop programs for State health programs.  I had not had access to this information via my databases.

Many studies show that by taking control of our home environment we will make the most impact on our health.  It is usually not the toxic fumes from the nearby highway,  it’s the chemicals in your perfume, after shave or air-freshener, the air-conditioner recycling  off-gases from carpets , furniture and toxic cleaning products.  Take control: minimize use of chemicals, find safer products.

I aim to provide hope, simple access to information and the products I personally use and endorse.

Take control of toxins in Your Home to reduce the load on your liver, kidneys, bowel & improve your immune system to help them can do their job – protecting you.

Take control of:

  1. Bathroom/ personal care products
  2. Household cleaning products

As a nurse, it took years for me to be able to say “change your bathroom and your cleaning products: it is pivotal to getting well”. Until I saw the incredible changes when that is all someone did. You’re going to buy soap, shampoo and toothpaste so change brands and be safe.

Take Control: become informed 

We think the pesticides, fungicides and insecticides in our food are the most damaging to our health.  However,  toxicologists warn that toxic chemicals found in our soaps, shampoos, perfumes, deodorants, dental care, cosmetics and household cleaning products are far more dangerous. Our skin and lungs are in contact with many of these 24 hours per day.

These tiny toxic chemicals enter  your blood stream via the skin or lungs and accumulate in your organs to perhaps cause inflammation, rashes, difficulty breathing, digestive and other problems immediately or even many years in the future.  The vast majority of chemicals used within the home have never been tested for safety. Just because a product is sold over the counter, DOES NOT mean it is safe. These products are a business and profits usually rate over safety.

Unfortunately, current government legislation does not ensure safety.  You need to take control to protect your family.  A label does not even have to  list all the ingredients! Many of the questionable chemicals have multiple names.  If you are looking for the few you know to be dangerous, they could  either be there under a different name, or not listed at all!

In Australia the terms  “Natural” or “Organic” only mean that the product has a minimum of one or two natural or organic ingredients:  not that all the ingredients are natural or organic. It does not mean pure or safe. Many of the ingredients can either be toxic by themselves, combine with others ingredients to form a toxic compound, or even safe until heated to body temperature once applied and then become toxic.   And, natural ingredients such as coconut can be used to make toxic ingredients but still be innocently labelled as Made from coconut.

Take control with your dollars to improve your health and that of the planet. Find a  company that you can TRUST, that makes products you are confident to safely allow into your home.  Ensure in writing Safe for human chemistry.

Save the stress of  shopping around to read incomprehensible labels.  Shop in the comfort of your home for safe products for your entire home from  the only manufacturer I trust.

See how I took control of my life over ten years ago, after surgery, chemo and liver secondaries from Stage IV bowel cancer. Read more at  https ://imendme.com/noelas-story/


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