Water Heals

Water Heals

“Water heals!

Perhaps you are sick because you are dehydrated!

“There is no system or function of the body not pegged to the flow of water.” said Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidji.  This Iranian physician successfully treated thousands of fellow political prisoners with water -the only medication available to him when he was with them in jail .

In his book Health Wars, Phillip Day lists 46 reasons why your body needs water every day: from digestion and transport of nutrition to removal of toxins, maintenance of DNA plus transport of information via the body’s neurotransmitters and electrical systems.

Research supports the use of high-quality filtered water and naturally mineralised Himalayan, sea or Celtic salt.  These salts enable water to properly hydrate the body and enhance cellular function.

To help my body heal from cancer, surgery and chemotherapy, I learnt to drink at least 2 litres of high-quality filtered water every day. I also started to use about 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon of the  special natural mineralised salt every day.  I had not cooked with or added salt to my meals in over 30 years.

Gradually, I noticed a huge difference.

Many studies show big improvements for dementia, arthritis and many other long term conditions when water and natural salt are increased.

NOT table salt, it certainly is dangerous. Most commercial table salt is processed to produce NaCl. It’s probably been treated to very high temperatures and does not contain the natural minerals found in the unprocessed salts.

Extras you don’t want

Chlorine is put into water to kill bacteria to ensure safety as it is pumped and piped to your home.

Chlorine is not beneficial for the healthy balance of bacteria within your gut. We now know this balance is necessary for digestion, production of vitamins and mental health.

Medical journals now recognise fluoride as a neurotoxin.

Medications including hormones are found where the water supply is recycled.

Bacteria, parasites and heavy metals can also be found in water.

Many years ago I was horrified to read a report that many water tanks in Australia do not meet  standards expected in third world countries.

If you have a personal water supply such as a tank filled from your roof, raw river water or underground water such as well or bore water, please consider filtering this supply.

Unfortunately, I know several people who became very sick for years. It was eventually traced to bacteria, parasites and or heavy metals in their water.  The leaves of some trees have been reported as polluting tank water with toxic traces of minerals.

Dust, tread particles from vehicle tyres, bird droppings and industrial pollution all settle on your roof.  This is washed into your tank each time it rains. Chemicals can travel many, many kilometres in thermal currents.

A good filter jug or system will remove 99.9% of fluoride, chlorine, bacteria and heavy metals. A good filter will also make alkaline, energised, magnetised and mineralised water. It should also be cost effective, simple and easy to use.


If you already have a jug or other filter system, please check WHAT it actually removes, the percentage and how.

Independent laboratory tests show that some readily available filter jugs/systems actually put more heavy metals including aluminium back into your “filtered water”.

You can find All the Products and More Technical Stuff   here.


I use the Ace Bio jug every day in my home and in our caravan.







The BMP Waterman 600ml flask gets carted everywhere so I can filter water as I need it.   Much better than carrying heavy water or buying unsafe plastic  bottles of water.

                                          There are also bench top models available.

We’ve used a  shower filter for so long I had forgotten about the horrible smell of chlorine, bad hair days and the feel of dry itchy skin when you don’t. Several weeks of travelling in the caravan prompted a shower filter to be installed there also.

Vitamin C, Collagen and a membrane filter remove chlorine, heavy metals (rust) and sediment. The water saving shower head magnetises and creates a negative ion effect many times that of a waterfall.

I LOVE these beautiful aromatherapy filters which use pure essential oils as well as the filter materials. You can choose lavender, lemon or no aromatherapy just wonderful filtered water.

Our pets can teach us a lot.  The entertaining video below shows just how ingenious animals can be to ensure they get adequate water every day.

Take a few minutes out to enjoy a short fun video, click on the link below

Pets know to drink water!







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